10 Essential Steps Towards Business Continuity and Sustainability

It is essential today for all businesses to continue their work without losing any of their customers and key clients due to an outbreak disaster or unexpected challenges that could cripple business. In today’s pandemic spread, all organizations start thinking for quick solutions to resolve issues that might affect the daily routine work, but in reality, there is no magic solution. But basic questions and answers are needed to do what is necessary to minimize the impact on businesses and organizations. Therefore, to overcome this calamity, the following steps are vital to consider.

Changing working habits is not an option but it is an obligation and necessity at the moment of a critical situation. Creative thinking and tactical work will motivate the team to enhance better work performance. Keep your focus on certain targets to achieve by the end of the week and ensure the availability of a one-month projection for your staff with specific numbers of targets to complete.

– Rawhey El Dabagh, MA, CET, MPM, EFQM, LA – Sr. Consultant