Organisational Innovation … What is it? And How to Achieve it in your Organisation?

The use of the word innovation is becoming increasingly frequent in its daily use, a sign of its prominence. Generally, innovation is introducing new or different things or methods[1], and used in all walks of life because it’s natural for the human being to want new beginnings, different experiences, and change. Innovation is arguably one of the most important factors in the evolution of what we know as the world we live in today. It is equally important to incorporate innovation into organisations, executed by several strategies which include: not placing boundaries on employees, stimulating their creativity and allowing failure.

Organisational innovation is distinguished from its general term, by its positive effect on a business. That could be, optimising existing practices, or seeking completely new opportunities. Significantly, the desire is to stimulate growth and/or productivity.[2]  A misconception is that innovation is a revolutionary idea, while that can be the case and purpose on occasion,  on the contrary it can be a small change which could make all the difference, whether it be a new process, product or service. Many new and thriving businesses are built on the idea of innovation because that’s what it is, a new idea. However, for the most part, a company to remain successful in a saturated domain, needs to be innovative and preferably continuously innovating to distinguish themselves from other parties and generate higher revenue.

A way to help implement the act of innovating in a business is to not place boundaries. Employees are an asset to any business and as much as they need a leader, their leader also relies on them too and in the process of creating new ideas, they should be given the complete freedom to venture into their minds and come up with extravagant ideas which could be crucial for the growth of an organisation.[3] Creating restrictions doesn’t give the team the ability to think of new developed and successful ideas. Therefore, in the workplace the employees should not have restrictions put on their creativity, but given the freedom to express their thoughts.

A different strategy to inspire new ideas is to create environments that stimulate imagination. Sitting in typical office space, with tables and chairs is no place for an employee to devle in their mind and innovate. Organisations need to carry out activities

[1] Innovation | Definition of Innovation

[2] Business Innovation: what is it and what could it do for you?

[3] 8 Ways to Bring Innovation Into Your Organisation

that encourage creativity and original proposals, for example: hold regular workshops or occasional campmany days away to brainstorm ideas.[1] Moreover, time and money needs to be invested in assisting the workforce to examine undermined and underrated schemes and transform them to flourishing projects which hopefully generate revenue. Despite ideas being spontaneous, companies can intentionally plan specific ventures to spark different thoughts and schemes positively affecting the business.

Another method of encouraging creativity is to allow failure. Thinking of new and different ideas can be difficult and daunting and with added fear of failure, workers could be discouraged to come up with enhanced and innovative ideas that could potentially positively change the fate of the organisation. Estimating the success of innovation is challenging, and while it is dependent on trial and error and taking risks, punishing an idea that had the potential of being lucky, but unfortunately didn’t perform well, is fatel for future ideas. Fear cannot cultivate creativity.[2] Consequently, rewarding your employees when deserved motivates them to think outside the box.

Ultimately, the act of innovating and introducing creative unconventional ideas into an organization is remarkably important as it carries wealth of value, and essential for the growth of any company. For an organisation to be present in modern society, rich with many competitive businesses, continual innovation is necessary, and is executed by allowing employees freedom in thought without restrictions, nurturing and rewarding their creativity, while accepting risks

[1] Use innovation to grow your business

[2] 8 Ways to Bring Innovation Into Your Organisation