The Road to Organizational Excellence Starts with Quality Management

Quality Management is an embedded component within the Organization Excellence Model and is considered to be as one of the approaches of road map to Organizational Excellence. It is a system that is rich with management knowledge, yet, it is one of a few that will provide the management with a holistic overview of an organization’s working detail activities. For instance, it allows management to run operations with more effectiveness rather than operate with an ad hoc basis.

Quality allows management to manage and understand their organization’s cultural behavior much better and respond to challenges with proper tools and techniques. Be able to handle those challenges with more readiness to withstand any obstacles that may confront and impact the organization’s overall business environment.

Understanding Quality allows management to plan, execute, and monitor its processes effectively, it too enforces management to work with strategy and envision with a firm organization mission engraved. Quality keeps management alert of its targets and deadlines and is more aware of business strategic direction, allowing them to maintain healthy business growth.

Quality pays attention to operations that are integrated with a Risk-Based Thinking attitude to eliminate any unforeseen situations, allowing management to, therefore, execute and operate with full confidence in line with its strategic direction. A Quality System will encourage the organization to have proper room embedded within its processes for business maneuver, flexibility and adequate mitigation to any risk that might be on the road to excellence.

The voice of the customer is always heard and communicated with, for Quality allows the organization to be at the center of its business helping and interacting with customers, creating a positive experience throughout the operation. Its ultimate focus is to be customer-centric with a proper strategy to improve customer satisfaction, reduce discomfort, increase revenues, and draw a smile on the faces of customers.

Quality stresses on Performance Management Review to ensure effective implementation and compliance with the organization’s processes and international standards. However, the process owners will also be measured for their performance to ensure that the system is intact with all the quality requirements.
The primary emphases of Quality include leadership and teamwork for which they are the true organization’s assets and resources. It is essential to keep top management aware and updated at all time of the organization’s context and business management environment changes that might be applied to the business or to be expected to occur in the coming future.

Quality highlights the importance of leadership involvement with the middle and lower class workforces, to engage with them, to hear them, to understand their concerns, address their needs and respond to their feedback in respect to the working environment. Quality holds management responsible for enhancing and improving the organization’s staff, labor, and general workforce with the best skills and education to ensure competency and be aware of the latest business trends and best practices that surround businesses and organizations.

Quality is an investment that management and business owners must be aware of and consider when deciding to be rewarded with international recognition and seek better business results that reflect positively on the organization’s attitude and behavior. Such business results include employee awareness and development, processes enhancement, increased productiveness, minimizing wastes, saving energy, improving safety and eliminating injury, being recognized for achievement, increasing revenues, and sustaining business growth and profits.

Therefore, claiming high performance and sustainable business requires substantial attention and efforts as it was once stated: “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives” – By William A. Foster.

Furthermore, achieving an Organizational Excellence is a commitment that must be established first by management to accept the change that is about to happen, then sign for it, and invest on people development and process improvement, based on proper benchmark and international standards that are worldwide recognized.

Therefore, the success of any organizational excellence achievement can only be through proper implementation to Quality Management that represents the integration of people and processes, for which if managed well, measured, monitored and controlled effectively, the results will be harvested, and business will be taking the right direction and shape towards sustainable growth.

– Eng. Rawhey Dabagh, CET, MPM, EFQM LA