Corporate sustainability has become a buzzword in both large and small businesses. Sustainability is considered by many real giants as a key priority going forward. One way to look at sustainability is to look at the three pillars of sustainability. Companies using this strategy pursue a balanced approach to long-term social, environmental, and economic goals to… Continue reading Corporate Sustainability
Read More..The company’s wings do not flutter by themselves, but leadership must be prepared for this. Even the most solid companies get destroyed by the lack of organizational leadership. If entrepreneurs are willing to remove all excuses, explanations, and reasons for the failure of their companies and are honest in their judgments, they may find one… Continue reading Organizational Leadership and its Types
Read More..Just as some patients recovering from Covid-19 suffer long-lasting symptoms, it’s becoming clear that the same will be true for the global economy once this year’s V-shaped rebound fades. “Getting back to the pre-Covid standard will take time,” said Carmen Reinhart, the World Bank’s chief economist. “The aftermath of Covid isn’t going to reverse for… Continue reading The gradual economic recovery after COVID-19 Pandemic and the learned lessons
Read More..Human resources, a key element in any institution, has a far more significant role to play today apart from training employees, conducting interviews, explaining benefits, and managing relationships. The role has progressed from a behind-the-scenes function to one that is actively involved in influencing an organization’s policies and goals. The COVID-19 pandemic hit all organizations… Continue reading The Role of HR Departments Post Covid-19
Read More..The 2020 pandemic has been the worst crisis since World War II in 1939. Despite these challenging times, most businesses said they will in some ways emerge stronger from the crisis as it has enlightened us to the gaps and weaknesses in our businesses, and therefore help eliminate errors and improve them and areas of… Continue reading Lessons Learned from COVID – 19 Crisis
Read More..Organizational development is a complex process. To properly traverse it, you must first grasp its various stages and what to do in each. So, What is organizational development and its importance? and What stages of organizational development are there and what do you do in each of them? Let’s dive in! What Is Organizational Development?… Continue reading Organizational Development
Read More..Sustainability is a topic of growing importance today in all walks of life, including organizational life. Businesses and managers are increasingly considering ways to change their identity and incorporate a balance among the sustainability pillars – economic, ecological, and social into their business models. Researchers have confirmed that sustainability and environmentally responsible strategies are crucial… Continue reading Sustainability in Organizations
Read More..Traditionally, management relied on efficiency and meeting budget and time deadlines, however the market is becoming increasingly more saturated with intense competition and new innovations. A vital role in the success of any business lies in the hands of its leader, and their strategy. Strategic leadership has become increasingly popular among all sectors as research… Continue reading Strategic leadership
Read More..Innovation is vital for the development of any organization, cultivating and embedding a creative culture and environment will make drastic positive effects on your organization. Despite new ideas and thoughts being spontaneous, there are changes that leaders can take to encourage new ideas within the workplace, for example: Inspiring Environment Firstly, to create an innovative… Continue reading How to Create an Innovative Workplace Environment in your Organization?
Read More..As technology continues to amaze us, it is equally becoming more competitive in its mesmerising innovation. Technology and development are relatable to all walks of life and its increasing prominence in our daily lives has made it crucial for the realm of business and industry to develop in parallel to technology. Therefore, transforming digitally is… Continue reading Digital Transformation… How to assess the readiness for it?
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